Monday, April 19, 2010

The Best Years Of Our Lives (1947)

Ironically named The Best Years Of Our Lives explores a unique point-of-view regarding World War II. Whereas most films created during, or about this post-war era typically would portray the actual events of the war, actual battles, and actual losses suffered by the armed forces, This film focuses particularly on a crucial battle that every surviving veteran, in any war will face, the battle of “fitting in” when you return home.
Although it may seem simple for someone like me to act as a normal civilian in day to day activities. The simple may seem closer to impossible for someone who is returning from serving in a war, and who has faced horrors that seem unimaginable to me. With that being said, and the closest to these horrors that I have ever been is through a good movie, In my opinion it is safe to say that, once a man or woman is lucky enough to made it home from war, the battle has only just begun.
The Film starts out with three men returning home from the war, and the obstacles they are yet to face, despite already surviving the war. The three men: Homer, a navy man who had lost both his hands in an explosion on board his ship and is worried what his family and girlfriend will think about his prosthetics, Al Stevenson, a Sergeant in the army who has been married for twenty years with two children, and last but not least Fred Derry, an air force bombardier who was married just before leaving for duty. Although the three men lead normal lives before joining their branch of the service, they are all faced with some serious social re-adjustment issues and they all somewhat aware of the challenges that lie ahead, Sergeant Stephenson compares going home to storming a beach at war, just before he is dropped of at home by the taxi he says to Derry “I feel as though I am about to hit a beach”, an ironic way to start the best years of their lives.
The irony of that replayed over and over again in my head the whole time I was watching the film. I also could not help but admire Homer’s gratefulness to life, in my opinion he had it worst of all three men, though they all faced some serious issues, all but Homer, the once high school star quarterback, came back fully intact. All three men lost valuable time, endured changes they never thought possible. But Homer suffered the loss of his hands in addition to all the things Al and Fred also lost, yet he still stood optimistic, and even more impressive he was very grateful to the navy, not for the devastation, but for giving him the capability and training to still continue living. I think that even though he was dealt the worst hand he handled it best, and as a character with great strength, he portrayed a strong, courageous, and grateful person that we all should strive to be.
As I had hoped while I was watching The Best Years Of Our Lives there was a happy ending. Despite the war, the social re-adjustment, and the domestic difficulties all three men find away to go about their lives. In a sense, the title of the film seemed less ironic the more I thought about it, the best years of their lives refers to the years after the war, and it makes sense to me, because in reality the war really does not end until you make the necessary changes to become a normal civilian again, and because of this film, I truly appreciate just how hard making those changes can be.

Works Cited
The Best Years Of Our Lives. Dir. William Wyler. Perfs. Myrna Loy, Fredric March. Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1947. (film)
Kelly. “Best Years Cover.” Photo. Accessed April 18, 2010 (photo)

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