Saturday, February 27, 2010

Meshes of the Afternoon

Maybe it is because I am fairly new to the dissecting of cinematography, but no matter how hard I try I just can not grasp the concept of Maya Deren's Meshes of The Afternoon, or the significance of experimental films in general. I recognize that the issue most likely lies with me, considering that Maya Deren and her experimental films have gained so much notability over time from her critics, so I suppose I am one of few who do not particularly like this film. To be honest, my favorite part was that it was only fourteen minutes long.
Although personally I found it grueling, I suppose I can appreciate the symbolism found in Meshes of The Afternoon. It was clear through the repetitive imagery in Deren's film that there was significance behind the many symbols displayed throughout. First, and in my opinion, probably the most important is the key. The film begins with a woman trying to unlock what is assumed to be her door, and this is where the key is first introduced, when it falls from her grasp and bounces down a flight of stairs. There are a couple different things I considered as a reasonable perception: this was showing her reluctance to go inside maybe fearing what is behind the door, or possibly it was symbolic of opening the door to opportunity and her inability to do so. There was a scene where Deren's character is sitting at a table with three other woman, who are in fact her. The woman seem to be taking turns grabbing the key off the table and then returning it. It almost looked like a game, and when one of the Deren's lost, the key turned into a knife, where she then walked across the room to a girl sitting in a chair and killed her. In my opinion, this scene may have been symbolizing the game of life.
Following the same idea of opportunity and life, and continuing with some of Meshes of The Afternoon's symbols brings forth the robe wearing, grim reaper like figure that seems to be just out of reach for Deren's character. Deren repetitively shows herself chasing this grim reaper who always just slips around the corner. In addition, The robed, hooded figure does not have a face, but instead it is a mirror reflecting the image of whomever looks at it. Lastly in regards to the grim reaper, I also considered the possibility that it may be symbolizing death, as the grim reaper normally does, and that it is always lurking.
Finally, I found it interesting that although the film was originally completely silent, 16 years after its creation music was added. The majority of the clarification attempts came through the symbols presented in the film, but the music to me, seemed as important as a character or symbol itself. The music gave an eerie feeling and provoked a sense of paranoia throughout the film. Meshes of the Afternoon is a very complex short film, seasoned with many symbolic images, and although I can not say I particularly enjoyed this experimental film, I can definitely appreciate a master in their trade.

Work's Cited
Paghat, Maya Deren, 1999. Accesses Feb 28,2010. (photo)

Meshes Of the Afternoon. Dir. Maya Deren and Hammid Perfs. Maya Deren. NFR films, 1943. (film)

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